Volunteer FAQ

If I volunteer on site, what will I be doing?

Food service is a big part of what we do! You will likely be a part of our food hospitality team. Volunteers also distribute mail to our guests. Set-up and clean-up are also part of a volunteer shift.

If I’m serving in person, when should I show up?

We begin serving our friends at 10 a.m. Arriving by 9:15-9:30 a.m. will give you the time to on-board, sign a volunteer release (if you’re new), get your name badge, and be assigned a job.

Is there a job I can do at home?

Yes! We always need people that can prepare simple meals at home and deliver them to be served to our friends on navigation days.

I want to cook at home. Can you help?

Yes! We have several simple casserole recipes to share. Click on the link below to access our recipes. You can prepare one of these dishes or use your own favorite recipe. Our main requirement is that the food be prepared in a 13” x 20” foil catering pan (or 2 9” x 13” foil pans). We can answer any questions you might have along the way.

Can I bring my child to volunteer?

Children 9 and older can volunteer with a parent or guardian. Children must be closely supervised and within arm’s length at all times. Children 13 and older may volunteer with a parent or guardian and will have more freedom to serve without an adult in close proximity.